Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2: An in-Depth Comparison

Visual overview highlighting the distinctions and features between Blink Sync Module 1 and 2 for informed decision-making in security system optimization
Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2: Choose your security upgrade wisely

Explore the differences between Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2 to make an informed choice for optimizing your security system. So you have a Blink camera or three around your home or office, and you’re considering. The thing that matters is between the first Sync Module and the more up-to-date Sync Module 2. Can’t fault you – befuddling Blink sells two variants that seem to be indistinguishable yet have a few vital contrasts in the engine.

All things considered, lock because in this article we’ll unload all that you want to know one next to the other. To take care of the figure assuming it merits overhauling your framework to Adjust Sync Module 2. I’ll analyze specs, highlights, battery duration claims, availability choices – everything. Stay with me and you’ll leave a specialist on everything Blink Sync modules. How about we make a plunge?

Overview of the Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2

Central hub for seamless connectivity in your Blink security system
Elevate your security game with seamless connectivity

The Blink Sync Module empowers you to interface numerous Blink cameras to a solitary organization and view/oversee them through the Blink application. There are presently two choices accessible:

Blink Sync Module 1 vs Blink Sync Module 2

Blink Sync Module 1 Blink Sync Module 2
Blink Sync Module 1 is the more seasoned form, delivered in 2016. Blink Sync Module 2 was delivered in 2020 and is the most recent rendition with further developed usefulness
It upholds up to 10 Blink cameras and has lower goal video quality contrasted with the more current Sync Module 2 It upholds up to 50 Blink cameras for a bigger entire home security arrangement
Notwithstanding, it might in any case suit your necessities if you have a more established Blink system or don’t need progressed highlights It gives 1080p HD live streaming and recording, contrasted with the 720p goal of Sync Module 1
It interfaces with your Wi-Fi organization and empowers admittance to your Blink cameras through the portable application It likewise has a quicker processor for diminished slack times
Unveiling the differences for smarter security choices

Blink Sync Module 2 incorporates an implicit backup battery that gives as long as 4 hours of force for your Blink system in case of a blackout. It interfaces through Wi-Fi or Ethernet for adaptable establishment. The Blink Sync Module 2 works with all Blink camera models, so you can consolidate various cameras in a similar organization.

On the off chance that you’re setting up another Blink system or need the most recent highlights, the Blink Sync Module 2 merits the speculation. Nonetheless, for fundamental necessities, Sync Module 1 can in any case work perfectly and may set aside some cash. Either module will give you admittance to see live streams, arm and incapacitate your system, control movement location and alter alarms to suit your necessities.

In synopsis, both the Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2 empower far-off networks and control your Blink cameras. In any case, Sync Module 2 gives critical updates like higher goals, quicker execution, battery reinforcement and backing for additional cameras. The decision depends on your particular necessities and spending plan. Whichever you pick, Blink has made home security both simple and reasonable.

Blink Sync Module 1 vs Sync Module 2: Key Differences

Comparison image highlighting key differences between Blink Sync Module 1 and Sync Module 2 for informed security system decisions
Unveiling the essential differences

While picking either Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2, there are a couple of key contrasts to think about in light of your necessities and financial plan.

Sync Module 1, Blink’s unique centre point, associates up to 10 Blink cameras without a moment’s delay. It’s a more reasonable choice yet has restricted capacity and network. Sync Module 2 is Blink’s redesigned shrewd centre point that gives progressed highlights at a greater cost.


  • Blink Sync Module 1 incorporates 7 days of free distributed storage for movement set-off video cuts.
  • If you want more capacity, you can buy into Blink’s distributed storage plans beginning at $3/month.
  • Sync Module 2 accompanies 2 years of free Blink distributed storage for every one of your recordings, clasps and time-slips. No membership is required. Following 2 years, you can reestablish for $3/month.
  • The actual center additionally has 64GB of neighborhood stockpiling so your recording is saved regardless of whether Wi-Fi goes down.

Connectivity / Live View

Connectivity Live View
Blink Sync Module 1 interfaces your Blink cameras through Wi-Fi and requires a nearby by-wall power source Both hubs provide live-view access to see your cameras in real-time and two-way audio to speak through the cameras
It isn’t viable with Blink’s discretionary sunlight-based chargers or battery packs, Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2 has underlying Zigbee and Wi-Fi, so it can interface remotely to Blink cameras up to 1,000 feet away However, Sync Module 2 streams live view footage in full 1080p HD resolution for a clearer picture
It is likewise viable with Blink’s sunlight-based and battery adornments so you have greater adaptability in camera position In the end, if budget-friendly basics are what you need, Sync Module 1 should work great for a small camera setup
The center is climate so you could mount it outside But if you want advanced connectivity, storage, live streaming and more flexibility in camera locations, Sync Module 2 is worth the investment. The choice is yours
Elevate your experience with enhanced connectivity and live views

Sync Module 1: Features and Capabilities

Explore the features and capabilities of Blink Sync Module 1 for an enhanced security system experience
Elevate your security with advanced features

The first Blink Sync Module 1, presently called Sync Module 1, gives essential usefulness to match up your Blink cameras and empower brilliant elements. It associates through Bluetooth to your Blink Sync Module centre, which then connects to your Wi-Fi switch.

Sync Module 1 permits you to:

View live streams and recorded cuts from your Blink cameras down and out application on your telephone or tablet. You’ll get movement enacted-ready recordings and the capacity to see what’s happening at your home every minute of every day:

  • Arm and incapacitate your Blink system to turn movement location on and off. This allows you to cripple alarms when you’re home and walk out when you leave.
  • Set up shrewd booking to arm and incapacitate your system at set times naturally. For instance, you can plan it to arm around evening time when you head to sleep and incapacitate in the first part of the day when you awaken.
  • Store video clips and photos in the cloud with the included free storage. You get up to 2 hours of video for free. If you need more, Blink subscription plans provide up to 2 years of storage.
  • Empower two-way sound on Blink cameras that help it. This allows you to talk through the camera utilizing your cell phone and hear sound from the camera’s inherent mouthpiece.
  • Set up movement zones to recognize movement in unambiguous regions of the camera’s view. You can change the aversion to keep away from misleading problems from movement outside the zones you indicate.
  • Share admittance to your Blink system with loved ones. Add extra clients and alter the degree of access for every individual.

While Blink Sync Module 1 gives fundamental usefulness to essential home security and observing, Blink Sync Module 2 offers huge updates and extra highlights for further developed shrewd home mix and robotization. We’ll investigate the distinctions in more profundity in the following area.

Sync Module 2: Upgraded Features

Discover the upgraded features of Blink Sync Module 2 for enhanced security performance
Elevate your security game with advanced features

The most recent Sync Module 2 offers a few redesigns over the first Sync Module 1. Assuming that you’re searching for the most progressive highlights, Sync Module 2 is the best approach.

  1. One of the greatest redesigns in A State of harmony Module 2 is the expansion of the cell network. This permits the module to adjust in any event, when Wi-Fi isn’t free, utilizing Verizon’s cross-country 4G LTE organization.
  2. Regardless of where your vehicles travel, Sync Module 2 can remain associated and keep adjusting information.
  3. This consistent network additionally empowers new security highlights like crisis crash reactions and emergency aides.
  4. Sync Module 2 gives improved security through an installed eSIM and secure boot process. The eSIM is incorporated squarely into the module, so there’s no requirement for a different SIM card.
  5. Secure boot guarantees just approved Blink programming is introduced on the module. These security updates give you inner harmony that your module and the information it gathers are safeguarded.

The processor in A State of harmony Module 2 is quicker than the first, giving a snappier UI and faster sync times. A higher goal show offers a more honed, more energetic screen for survey maps, vehicle information, and gadget settings. An encompassing light sensor naturally changes the showcase splendour given the encompassing light levels.

Sync Module 2 Works

Functionality and performance: Unveiling how Blink Sync Module 2 works for an upgraded security experience
Unlock advanced security with Sync Module 2: How it works
  • Sync Module 2 works with Blink’s most recent armada the board programming, Blink Center 2.0.
  • This refreshed stage exploits Sync Module 2’s high-level network and security to give new elements like geofencing, dispatching, and an implicit work process robotization device.
  • Blink Center 2.0 offers a better client experience through an overhauled interface and smoothed-out menus.
  • While Sync Module 1 turns out perfect for essential armada availability and the executives, Sync Module 2 opens up valuable doors for powerful proficiency, efficiency, and security.
  • The extra expense of Sync Module 2 might be certainly worth the venture for the majority of armada administrators hoping to use the most recent innovation.

If remaining on the bleeding edge with the most extreme availability and security is significant for your armada, Sync Module 2 is the unmistakable decision.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2

Squint offers two video doorbell choices — the Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2. Both give every minute of everyday live streaming, movement alarms, and two-way sound, however, there are a few key contrasts you ought to consider.

What’s the main difference between Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2?

The Sync Module 2 is Blink’s most recent delivery and most developed doorbell. It offers greater highlights like:

  • 1080p HD video with HDR versus 720p on the Sync Module 1. The superior goal gives a more keen, more point-by-point picture.
  • A more extensive 180° field of view so you can see a greater amount of the area before your entryway. The Sync Module 1 has a 150° view.
  • Improved night vision up to 15 feet away. The Blink Sync Module 1’s night vision arrives at up to 10 feet.
  • A battery-powered battery that can endure as long as 2 years for every charge. The Sync Module 1 requires designing or battery substitution every 6 a year.

The Sync Module 2 does come at a higher price, so if budget is a concern and you’re okay with slightly lower specs. The Sync Module 1 can still work great for basic needs.

Exploring video doorbell usage: Unraveling the need for a subscription
Subscription or no subscription, your choice

Do I need a subscription to use the video doorbell?

No membership is expected for either the Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2. You can see live streams, get movement cautions, talk through the two-way sound, and view recorded cuts with the expectation of complimentary right from the Blink application on your cell phone.

Will the doorbell work with my existing doorbell wiring?

The Blink Sync Module 1 is viable with most existing doorbell wiring and can be designed or run on battery power. The Blink Sync Module 2 operates on a rechargeable battery only. If you have existing doorbell wiring.

The Sync Module 1 may be more convenient since you won’t have to recharge the battery. The Sync Module 2 will still work with your existing doorbell chime. You’ll just need to install the included wireless doorbell button.


  • In conclusion, the Blink Sync Module 1 vs 2 presents clients with particular elements taking special care of different requirements.
  • The two modules succeed in giving consistent availability and improving the general execution of the Blink security system.
  • The decision between the two eventually relies upon explicit prerequisites.
  • Whether selecting the effectiveness of Sync Module 1 or the high-level capacities of Sync Module 2.
  • Clients can certainly pursue an educated choice given their inclinations for a dependable and enhanced Blink security experience.

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